Bolivia Demographic Maps

LeadDog provides Bolivia demographic maps for your GIS map software and analysis. Through our local map data partner, LeadDog distributes the most current and accurate census map boundaries and demographic variables available.

Bolivia boundaries are available to the municipal level (339 polygons). Demographic variables include:

0 years old
1 year old
2 years
3 years
4 years
5 years
6 years
7 years old
8 years old
9 years
10 years old
11 years old
12 years
13 years old
14 years old
15 years
16 years
17 years old
18 years
19 years old
20-24 years old
25-29 years old
30-34 years old
35-39 years old
40-44 years old
45-49 years old
50-54 years old
55-59 years old
60-64 years old
65-69 years old
70-74 years old
75-79 years old
80-84 years old
85-89 years old
90-94 years old
95 years and over

Workers ( o) / Employee ( o)
Working ( or) self
Employer ( or) / Partner ( o)
Working ( or) family or unpaid apprentice
Working ( or) home
Cooperative Production / Services

Inactive Population
Work from home
Retired pensioner or annuitant

YES population literate
NO population literate
Population without specifying whether literate

Occupation Status
Economically Active Population
Economically Active Busy
Economically Active Interruption
Economically Active Applicant
Economically Inactive Population
Economically Inactive student
Economically Inactive / Work from Home
Economically Inactive / Retired pensioner or annuitant
Economically Inactive / Other

Population Working ( o) / Employee ( o)
Working Population ( or) self
Population Employer ( or) / Partner ( o)
Family Worker Population ( or) or unpaid apprentice
Working Population ( or) home
Population Cooperative Production / Services
Population unspecified

Contact us today to learn more about our map demographics.