Colombia Demographic Maps

LeadDog licenses Colombia GIS demographic maps via our local map data partners. The block boundaries and demographics are the most current and accurate available.

Colombia manzanas / block boundary, 370,000 polygons nationwide, demographic variables include:

Administrative codes
Code Department
Code identifying the municipality
Code identifying the rural sector
Code which identifies rural section
Code that identifies the town center
Code of the urban sector
Code which identifies rural section
Code identifying the block
DANE apple level concatenated code
Block code

With Electricity
Without Electricity
Total Electric Power Homes
There are people abroad
No Reports are persons abroad
Total people abroad
Total households
Aqueduct YES
Aqueduct NO
Sewer YES
NO sewerage
Sewage system Total
Occupied Housing with bystanders
Occupied Housing with absentees
Unoccupied House
Unoccupied housing for temporary use
Total Housing Occupancy
Natural Gas YES
Natural Gas NO
No Natural Gas Report
Total Natural Gas
Telephone YES
NO Phone
Telephone No Reports
Total telephone

Property Type House
Type of property House Indian
Type of accommodation Apartment
Fourth Type of Housing Type
Other Housing Type housing
Total Housing Type

Where he was born in this municipality
Where he was born in another Colombian town
Where he was born in another country
Born Where No Reports
Where Born Total
People age 18 years and 0 to 17
People age 18 years and 18 years or more
People age 18 years and over Total

Speak the language of his people YES
Speak the language of his people NO
Speak the language of his people NOT Information
Speak the language of their Total people
Literate YES
Literate NO
Literate NO Information
Total literate

Limitation to learn YES
Limitation to learn NO
Limitation to learn NOT Information
Total learning Limitation
Limitation bathing itself YES
Limitation bathing itself NO
Limitation bathing itself NOT Information
Limiting itself to bathe Total
Limitation walking YES
Walking limitation NO
NO walking limitation Information
Total walking limitation
Limitation to talk YES
Limitation to talk NO
Limitation to talk NO Information
Limitation to discuss all
Limitation to hear YES
Limitation to hear NO
Limitation to hear NO Information
Limitation to hear Total
Limitation for YES
Limitation for NO
Limitation for NO Information
Limitation for Total

Indian Ethnic Group
Ethnic Group Rom
Ethnic Group RaizaldeSanAndresProvidencia
Ethnic Group Palenquero
Ethnic Group Black Mulato Afrocolombian
Ethnic Belonging None of the above
Ethnic Belonging NO Information
Ethnic Total Membership

gender Male
gender Female
Total sex
Another limitation YES
Another limitation NO
Another limitation NO Information
Another limitation Total
Type of educational institution YES
Type of school NO
Type of school NO Information
Type of school Total
I had live births YES
He had NO children born alive
Had living children born NO Information
Total live births had
Masculinity Index
Relationship of dependency
Change of venue last 5 years OR
Change of venue last 5 years NO
Change of venue last 5 years NO Information
Change of venue last 5 years Total
Limitation to socialize YES
Limitation to socialize NO
Limitation to socialize NO Information
Limitation to socialize Total
Limitation to use arms or hands YES
Limitation to use arms or hands NO
Limitation to use arms or hands NO Information
Limitation to use arms or hands Total

Kind of work he did last week No information
Kind of work he did last week worked
Kind of work he did last week but had not worked work
Kind of work he did look for work last week but had worked before
Kind of work he did last week you look for work for the first time
Kind of work he did last week studied and did not work or look for work
Kind of work he did last week Conducted household chores and did not work or look for work
Kind of work he did last week Permanently Incapacitated for work
Kind of work he did last week or lived retirement income and not work or look for work
Kind of work he did last week He was in another situation
Kind of work he did last week Total

Marital Status
Marital Status: Married person and takes 2 or more years living couple
Marital Status: Married person and leads – 2 years living couple
Marital status: Separated (a) person, divorced (a)
Marital Status: Widowed person (a)
Marital Status: Single person (a)
Marital Status: Married person (a)
Marital Status: No information
Marital status of person Total

Type of studies attended Preschool
Type Basic studies attended primary
Type of school attended Basic Studies
Type of studies attended academic or classical Media
Type of technique studied Media Studies
Type of studies extended Normalista
Type of studies that studied Higher Degree
Type of studies that studied None
Type of studies that extended not reported
Type of studies attended Total

Relationship to head chief or head of household
Spouse Relationship to head (pair)
Son Relationship to head (a), step (a)
Relationship to head Yerno, daughter
Relationship to head Nieto (a)
Relationship to Head Father, mother or father in law (a)
Relationship Brother jef (a), brother (s)
Relationship to head Another relative
Relationship to Head Clerk (a) domestic
Relationship to head Other non relative
Total Relationship to head
Total Housing
Total Home
Total Persons in Private Household
Age 0 to 14 years
Age 15 and 65
Age 65 and older

Other data of interest includes:

Consumer Spending is available for 20 different product categories. Product categories include furniture and furnishings, household textiles, household appliances, glassware and utensils, and tools and equipment for home and garden.

Consumer Styles describe describe 10 different target groups useful for market segmentation, such as demographics, attitudes, and consumer behavior consumption. The target groups include comfortably off empty nesters, well informed modern consumers, security-oriented seniors, modern younger families and modern and pragmatic over-50s.

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