Costa Rica Demographic Maps

LeadDog provides Costa Rica demographic maps for your GIS map software and analysis. Through our local map data partners LeadDog licenses the most current and accurate census map boundaries and demographic variables available.

Costa Rica boundaries are available to the Cantones (districts) levels of administration with the following variables:

Area (urban / rural)
Indian territory
Property type
Occupancy housing
Housing Number
Predominant material on the exterior walls
Predominant material on the roof
Has ceiling
Predominant material on the floor
State exterior walls
State roof
State floor
Sleeping rooms only
Total quarters
Source of water
The water gets piped into the home
The toilet is connected
Source of electricity to house
Main fuel used for cooking
Solid Waste Disposal
Separation plastic, glass, aluminum
Separation Paper
Separation of leftovers
Number radio or stereo
Number landline
Number screen TV (plasma, LCD, LED)
Number conventional TV
Number cable or satellite TV
Number hot water system for the whole house
Number water storage tank
Number desktop
Number laptop
Number Internet
Number carriage (not working)
Number motorcycle (not working)
Cell phone many lines in the house
Ordinarily Resident in housing
Number of households in housing
Physical state housing
Overcrowding in dorms
Overcrowding according chambers
Possession of any device or vehicle
Name settlement
Shared Leadership
Total men at home
Total women at home
Total summary people
Household members living in another country
Number of household members living abroad
Receives money or goods from abroad
Sends money or goods abroad
Someone farm household has agricultural, farming, animals
Type home
Total shortcomings
Unmet Basic Needs
Number of persons
Relationship to head or head of household
Code Province Canton
Country Code
Year of arrival in Costa Rica
Code arrival in Costa Rica
Is considered indigenous
Indigenous people it belongs
Speak any language or native language
Ethics-racial self-identification
Condition assurance
Limitation to see even use glasses on
Limitation to hear
Limitation to talk
Limitation walking or climbing stairs
Limitation to use arms and hands
Limitation of intellectual types (delay, down syndrome etc)
Limitation mental type (Bipolar, Schizophrenia, other)
None of the above limitations
Assistance to schools and care
Type of institution
Can read and write
Level of education
Number title
In the last three months has used cell
In the last three months has used computer
In the last three months has used the Internet
Place of residence 5 years ago
Code of residence 5 years ago
Country code
Marital status
Occupation at work 2 digits
Occupation at work 4 digits
What occurs primarily where
What occurs primarily where he works (Rama)
Occupational category
Location Code Workplace
Daughters and live births
Daughters and currently living children
Years of schooling
Educational underachievement
Condition of activity
Type of home
Occupation large group
Rama large group
Total shortcomings
Unmet Basic Needs

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