Guatemala Demographic Maps

LeadDog provides Guatemala demographic maps for your GIS analysis. Through our local map data partners, LeadDog licenses the most current and accurate census map boundaries and demographic variables available.

Guatemala demographics are available to the barrios points, populated place and municipal polygon level. Demographic variables include:

Total private room (housing) busy with people
total households
Local condition tenure particular room, property
Local condition tenure particular room rent
Local condition tenure particular room, on loan
Local condition tenure particular room, other

average number of persons per household
average number of people in urban households
average number of people in rural households
households in which one or more persons have disabilities
households where someone has blindness
households where someone is deaf
households in which someone has a disability in extrem
households in which someone has a mental handicap
households where someone has another disability

total households
households using municipal service to remove trash
households using private services to remove trash
household garbage burning
Shooting homes anywhere trash
households bury garbage
households using other services to eliminate trash
households with economic activity in urban areas
households with economic activity in rural areas

total population
population composed by men
population composed by women
level of education
level of education, pre-primary studied
level of schooling, 1st to 3rd grade primary
level of schooling, elementary 4th through 6th grade
level of schooling, secondary 1st to 3rd grade studied
level of schooling, secondary 4th through 6th grade studied
level of education, higher
total literacy
total men literacy
Total of literate women
literacy rate
illiteracy rate
illiteracy rate among men
percentage of illiteracy among women

Total assistance to establishment of education in 2002 (population of 7 years and more)
assistance to public education establishment
assistance to establishment of private education
not attended educational establishment
total absence from school site
cause of absence from school grounds, lack of money
cause of absence from school premises, work
cause of absence from school grounds, no school building
cause of absence from school site, parents want to attend
cause of absence from school grounds, housework
cause of absence from school premises, does not like
and he finished his studies
another cause of absence from school grounds.

Total population by marital status (population aged 12 or more
union state population
married population
population divorced or separated
population widow
single population

total population
ethnic, indigenous group
not indigenous ethnic group
ethnicity, Maya
ethnicity, Xinka
ethnicity, Garifuna
ethnic, Ladino membership
ethnicity, other
TOTAL Population learned to speak (population 3 years old and more
MAYA language learned to speak (population 3 years old and more
XINKA language learned to speak (population 3 years old and more
GARIFUNA language learned to speak (population 3 years old and more
SPANISH language learned to speak (population 3 years old and more
OTHER language learned to speak (population 3 years old and more

Total local private room (housing)
predominant material on the exterior walls, brick
predominant material on the exterior walls, block
predominant material on the exterior walls, concrete
predominant material on the exterior walls, adobe
predominant material on the exterior walls, wood
predominant material on the exterior walls, sheet steel
predominant material on the exterior walls, bahareque
predominant material on the exterior walls, lepa, wood
predominant material on the exterior walls, another material

Total local private room (housing)
predominant material on the floor, ceramic brick
predominant material on the floor, cement brick
predominant material on the floor, mud brick
predominant material on the floor, cement cake
predominant material on the floor, park
predominant material on the floor, wood
predominant material on the floor, ground
predominant material on the floor, other material
predominant material on the floor, no material established by the absence of local inhabitants or that is for temporary use or was unoccupied

Total local private room (Vivien
building material in the roof, concrete
predominant material in the ceiling, rolled metali
building material in the roof, asbestos cemen
predominant material in the ceiling tile
predominant material in the ceiling, palm or similar
predominant material in the roof, another material

total households
households with electric lighting
lighting homes with solar panel
households to piped gas lighting
households with a candle lighting
households with other lighting

total households
exclusive use of the water stream
water stream shared with several households
public water stream (outside the house)
households with wells
households with water by truck or cask
households with water by river, lake or man
other households with water service
Average rooms per household
average number of people per bedroom

total households
Total household cooking
households with electricity as a means used to cook
homes with propane gas used as a means for cook
households with piped gas as a means used to cook
homes with wood as a cooking medium used to cook
homes with coal as a means used to cuisine
all households that do not cook
total households with exclusive Kitchen

total households
total households with toilet
total households with exclusive use of health services for home
households with exclusive use of the toilet and the toilet connected to the
households with exclusive use of the toilet and the toilet connected to a
households with exclusive use of the health service and washable toilet
households with exclusive use of toilet and latrine or cesspool
total households with shared toilet between several households
households with shared toilet and networked toilet
households with shared toilet and s connected to a pit toilet
households with shared toilet and washable toilet
households with shared toilet and latrine or cesspool
all households that do not have health service.

Total local private room Houses
Formal home
Hovel, Shack
makeshift home
other local

total economically active population by occupational category (not including those seeking work for the first time)
Total economically active population in the field of agriculture, hunting, forestry and fishing
Total economically active population in the field of mining and quarrying
Total economically active population in the field of textile manufacturing and food
Total economically active population in the field of electricity, gas and water
Total economically active population in the field of construction
Total economically active population in the field of wholesale and retail trade, restaurants and hotels
Total economically active population in the field of transport, storage and communications
Total economically active population in the field of financial, insurance, real estate and services pres
Total economically active population in the field of public administration and defense
Total economically active population in the field of education
Total economically active population in the field of community, social and personal services
Total economically active population in the field of offshore organization
Total economically active population in the field unspecified

total economically active population by occupational category (not including those who looked for work
members of the executive and legislative bodies and management of the administration public
professionals, scientists and intellectuals
mid-level professional technicians
office employees
service workers and salespersons and markets
farmers and skilled agricultural and fishery workers
officers, workers and craftsmen of mechanical arts and other crafts
plant and machinery operators and assemblers
unskilled workers
armed forces

local population living room couple
number of household heads
number of children or stepchildren
number of sons or daughters
amount of grandchildren
number of parents
number of laws
amount of other people relationship
number of unrelated people

total economically active population
total economically active men
total economically active women
total economically inactive population
total economically inactive men
total number of economically inactive women
total economically active population by occupational category (not including those who looked for work
public employee
private employee
Unpaid family

total economically inactive population 7
only study
lives of their income or retirement
only takes care of the home
I do not work

population of 7-14 years old
economically active population
occupied population
population I work and before work
population I seek first job
occupational category (not including first job seekers)
population who are self-employed
population working as an employee
population working as unpaid family
economically inactive population

tota population
male population
female population
population between 0 and 4 years
population between 5 and 9 years
population between 10 and 14 years
population between 15 and 19 years
population between 20 and 24 years
population between 25 and 29 years
population between 30 and 34 years
population between 35 and 39
population between 40 and 44 years
population between 45 and 49 years
population between 50 and 54 years
population between 55 and 59 years
population between 60 and 64 years
population aged 65 and over
population living in urban area
population living in rural area

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