Pakistan Demographic Maps

LeadDog provides Pakistan demographic GIS maps. Through our local map data partners, LeadDog distributes the most current and accurate census  demographic variables available.

Pakistan demographics are available to the Tehsil and districts levels of administration. Demographic variables include purchasing power and socioeconomic levels, as well as the following:

Name of the Country
Name of the Province
Area in Square Kilometer
Census Year
Total Male Population
Total Female Population
Male Population Percentage
Female Population Percentage
Population Density Persons Per Square Kilometer
Sex Ratio Male Per 100 Female
Average Annual Growth Rate (1981-1998)
Un-Employment Population
Disabled Population (%)
Population by Selected Age Group in %
Educated Population by Level of Education
Population by Religion
Population by Mother Tongue
Population (15 Years and Above) By Marital Status
Urban Population Proportion
Rural Population Proportion
Age Percentage
Literacy Ratio Male
Literacy Ratio Female

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