Brazil Demographic Maps

LeadDog provides Brazil demographic maps for your GIS map software and analysis. Through our local map data partner, LeadDog licenses the most current and accurate census map boundaries and demographic variables available.

2010 Brazil boundaries are available to the meso-regions, micro-regions, municipalities, districts, sub-districts and neighborhoods/ ectors. Demographic variables include:

Resident population, by household situation (urban/rural) and sex.
Resident population, by age group.
People living in private homes, by condition of the home and responsibility sharing for the household.
Resident population, by color or race.
People under 10 years of age, existence and type of birth registration.
People 10 years or older, Total and literate, and literacy rate of people aged 10 or older, by sex.
People 5 years of age or older, literate, by age group, total.
Literacy of people 5 years and older, by age group, percentage.

Permanent private housing units, residents in permanent private households and average number of residents in permanent private households by household situation.
Permanent private housing units, by household occupancy condition, existence of electricity and electricity consumption meter.
Permanent private housing units, by the existence of a bathroom or toilet and type of sewage.
Permanent private housing units, by way of water supply and garbage disposal.
Permanent private housing units and residents in permanent private households, by type of household.

Deaths of people who had resided with residents of private homes, occurred from August 2009 to July 2010, by age groups of the deceased.
Deaths of children under 1 year of age who had resided with residents of private homes, occurred from August 2009 to July 2010, by sex of deceased children.

People 10 years or older, for nominal monthly income classes.
Median monthly nominal income of people 10 years or older, and the total yield, by sex.
Median monthly nominal income of persons 10 years or older, and the total yield, by situation of the household.
Permanent private housing units, by classes of household monthly nominal income.
Value of the monthly average nominal income of permanent households, total, and with household income, per household situation (urban/rural).
Permanent private housing units, by classes of household monthly nominal income per capita.

Other data of interest includes:

Retail Spending reports the proportion of purchasing power that is available for  retail spending.

Consumer Spending is available for 20 different product categories. Product categories include recreational and cultural services, newspapers, books and stationary, catering services, personal care, and jewelry and watches.

Consumer Styles describe 10 different target groups usable for market segmentation, such as demographics, consumer behavior, and consumer consumption. The target groups range from type A, high earning urban professionals, to type J, low-income younger consumers.

Contact us today to learn more about our Brazil GIS map demographic options.