Cambodia Demographic Maps

LeadDog provides Cambodia GIS census and demographic maps. Via our local map data partners, LeadDog licenses the most current and accurate census map boundaries and demographic variables available.

Cambodia demographics are available to the Khaet administrative boundary levels. Demographic variables include:

Total number of household
Household increase/decrease
Total population
Population increase/decrease
Ratio population
Household size

Total males
Total famales
Female heads

Age Groups
Male 0-5
Female 0-5
Male 6-17
Female 6-17
Male 18-60
Female 18-60
Male over 60
Female over 60
Male 0-5 increase/decrease
Female 0-5 increase/decrease
Male 6-17 increase/decrease
Female 6-17 increase/decrease
Male 18-60 increase/decrease
Female 18-60 increase/decrease
Male over 60 increase/decrease
Female over 60 increase/decrease

Families whose primary occupation is agriculture
Families whose main occupation is craft work
Families whose main occupation is service
Families whose main occupation is not clear (multi)

Families whose family member is a government official, staff or worker
Families whose family member is a private sector staff or worker

Number of people migration to work with company/factory
Number of people migration to work, but uncertain jobs
Number of people-aged 18-60 with uncertain/irregular jobs
Houses with TV

Total Establishment
Small-scale rice mills
Medium or large-scale rice mills
Electric generating stations
Bicycle and motorcycle repairs places
Agricultural machinery, tools and equipment repairs places
Electronic tool repairs places
Alcohol refinery places
Handicraft places, wooden furniture and forest by-product making
Other handicraft places (excluding furniture)
Small-scale services (hairdresser, phone service, massage, Karaoke…)
Small-scale food shop businesses (Food, groceries, drink shop…)
Large-scale markets
Small-scale markets
Pharmacies and small drug stores
Health clinics
Guest houses
Gasoline stations
Battery-charge services

Number of buddhist religion
Muslim religion
Christian religion
Other religion

Number of Islamic household
Number of Islamic population
Number of Vietnames household
Number of Vietnames population
Number of Laos household
Number of Laos population
Number of Other race household
Number of Other race population

Indigenous people
Number of Phnong household
Number of Phnong population
Number of Kouy household
Number of Kouy population
Number of Stieng household
Number of Stieng population
Number of Mil household
Number of Mil population
Number of Kroal householder
Number of Kroal population
Number of Thmon household
Number of Thmon population
Number of Khaonh household
Nunber of Khaonh population
Number of Tom Phuom household
Number of Tom Phuom population
Number of Charay household
Number of Charay Population
Number of Kroeung household
Number of Kroeung pouplation
Number of Kavet household
Number of Kavet population
Number of Saouch household
Number of Saouch population
Number of Lun household
Number of Lun population
Number of Kachak household
Number of Kachak population
Number of Praov household
Number of Praov population
Number of other indigenous people household
Number of other indigenous people population

Other demographic data of interest includes purchasing power and socioeconomic levels.

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