Dominican Republic Demographic Maps

LeadDog provides Dominican Republic demographic maps for your GIS map software and analysis. Through our local map data partner, LeadDog licenses the most current and accurate census map boundaries and demographic variables available.

Dominican Republic demographics are available at neighborhoods/barrios administrative levels (10,800 polygons) with following variables:

Type of Housing
Occupancy Condition
Construction Material Exterior Walls
Roof Construction Material
Apartment Building Material
Housing has kitchen
Number rooms in housing
Number households in housing
Structural Quality Housing calculated CSPro
State of most access roads to housing segment
Main means of transport used by households segment
Means of transport reaches the segment: Guagua
Means of transport reaches the segment: Sedan
Means of transport arriving segment: Shopping
Means of transport reaches the segment: Motoconcho
Means of transport arriving segment: Donkey / Horse / Mule
Means of transport reaches the segment: Other
Homes segment exposed to: Landslides or landslide
Homes segment exposed to: Sinking Ground
Homes segment exposed to: Rockslide
Homes segment exposed to: Wildfires
Pollution: stagnant waters
Pollution: Garbage
Pollution: Glen
Pollution: Pigsty or farm
Pollution: Factory smoke or gases
Pollution: Waste or scrap factory, workshop, hospital
Pollution: Packing gas
Pollution: Petrol Pump
Pollution: Chemicals Factory
Pollution: Ruído of vehicles and engines
Pollution: noise factory or workshop
Pollution: noise or smoke from power plant
Pollution: Loud music bars, grocery stores or neighbors
Pollution: Other
Location housing segment: Shore river or stream
Location housing segment: Glen shore or channel
Location housing segment: Mountainside
Location housing segment: In hill
Location housing segment: Seafront
Location housing segment: Maritime Beach
Location housing segment: Shore of prey
Location housing segment: Close to Canyon
Location housing segment: Near mine
Location housing segment: Another place risk
Disasters that affected households segment: Hurricane
Disasters that affected households segment: Tornado
Disasters that affected households segment: Storm
Disasters that affected households segment: Floods
Disasters that affected households segment: Torrential rain
Disasters that affected households segment: Excessive Frio
Disasters that affected households segment: Excessive heat
Disasters that affected households segment: Tsunami
Disasters that affected households segment: Drought
Disasters that affected households segment: Landslide or mudslide
Disasters that affected households segment: Sinking Ground
Disasters that affected households segment: Fire
Disasters that affected households segment: Earthquake
Disasters that affected households segment: Other
Shelters for civil defense in this segment: School or Lyceum
Shelters for civil defense in this segment: Church
Shelters for civil defense in this segment: Community Lounge
Shelters for civil defense in this segment: Sports center
Shelters for civil defense in this segment: Other
Housing conditions
Has Stove
It Refrigerator
Has washing machine
Has TV
Has Radio / stereo
Has cistern
Has water tank
Has Computer
Has Internet
Has Inversor
It has electric plant
Have Phone residential / fixed
Has cell
Has Air Conditioning
Has Motor
Motor has private use
Housing tenure or part occupied home
How many bedrooms (chambers) occupy the home
Type toilet
This home shares a toilet
Method of waste elimination
Source water supply
Fuel used for cooking
Lighting type
Someone died in 2009
Anyone living in this household who has planted or harvested land in the past 12 months
Anyone living in this home that has some animals for consumption or sale
2009 died at home calculated CSPro
Farmers at home calculated CSPro
Household Cattlemen calculated CSPro
Type of household calculated with CSPro
Overcrowding calculated CSPro
Household sanitation grade calculated CSPro
Socio-Economic Group calculated CSPro
Sex of head of household
Has cultivated land
Has tended in last 12 months
Has cows, calves, bulls, steers
Have sheep and goats
Has ducks, turkeys and geese
It hens or chickens and guineas
Has pigs
Has bee hives
What is the relationship with the head of household
Place of birth
Difficulty seeing, even with use of glasses or lenses
Difficulty hearing, even with use of hearing aides
Difficulty walking or climbing stairs
Difficulty moving one or both arms
Difficulty moving one or both legs
Difficulty remembering or concentrating
Difficulty grasping objects and/or containers with open hands
Slurred speech
Is mute
Difficulty, has mental problems
Difficulty, lacks one or both legs
Difficulty, missing one or both arms
Attends or attended school
Highest level of education attended
Last year of study approved at that level
Graduated from that career
Place of residence for last 5 years
Had any employment or work last week
Worked for pay last week
Helped without pay in a family business last week
Sought work during the past four weeks
What was mainly devoted over the past week
Was willing to work last week
Has previously worked for pay or profit
Occupational Category
Conjugal Status
How many daughters born alive
How many sons born alive
No children
No daughter/son is/are alive currently
The month the last son/daughter was born born alive
Age in large groups
Career: education groups, 1 digit
Economic situation of the person

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