Egypt Demographic Maps

LeadDog provides Egypt demographic maps for your GIS map software and analysis. Through international suppliers, and local map data partners LeadDog accesses the latest census map boundaries and demographic variables available.

Egypt boundaries are available to the governates, regions, districts, Muhafazat and Shyakha / Shikhat levels of administration. Demographic variables include:

Gov code
Sec code
Province name
Department Center
Xiahe City Village
The total population
Male population
Female population
Number of families
Less than five years, males
Less than five years, females
Than five years and less than 15 years old male
Than five years and less than 15 years old female
Than 15 years and less than 45 years old male
Than 15 years and less than 45 years old female
Than 45 years and less than 60 years old male
Than 45 years and less than 60 years old female
60 and greater than 60 years old male
60 and greater than 60 years old female
Total males
Total females
Read writes males
Read writes females
Literacy males
Female literacy
Less qualified than the average male
Less qualified than the average female
Qualified average male
Average qualified females
Mohl above average male
Mohl above average females
Qualified males University
University females qualified
Qualified males over university
Qualified above university females
Is shown educational status males
Is shown educational status females
Males under the age of marriage
He never married males
Married males
Absolute males
Widowed males
Females under the age of marriage
He never married females
WEDDING females
Married females
Absolute females
Widowed females
Men legislation and senior officials males
Specialists scientific careers and others males
Technicians and Assistants staff specialists males
Scribes males
Employment in Services and shops males
Workers in agriculture and fishing males
Craftsmen and them boys
Factory workers and machinery operators males
Ordinary workers, male professions
Is shown professions males
Is enrolled male professions
Men legislation and senior officials females
Specialists scientific careers and others females
Technicians and Assistants staff specialists females
Scribes females
Employment in Services and shops females
Workers in agriculture and fishing females
Craftsmen and females them
Factory workers and machinery operators females
Regular professions female workers
Professions is shown females
Professions is enrolled females
Employer males
Self-employed males
Cash to be gainfully employed males
Working without pay at the family males
Working without pay for others males
Loafers previously worked males
Loafers did not work by males
Full-time male student
Retired males
An elderly male does not work
Incapable of working males
Zahid working males
The status of work other males
Employer females
Self-employed females
Cash to be gainfully employed females
Working without pay to the female family
Working without pay for others females
Loafers previously worked females
Loafers did not work by females
Full-time female student
Full-time female home
Retired females
Elderly females does not work
Incapable of working females
Business case other females
The status of work is shown females
Government males
A year and a businessman in males
Private investment and males
Normal particularly within enterprises males
Normal outside special facilities males
Joint males
Cooperative males
Hmaaat civil males
Other sector type males
Type sector is enrolled males
Government females
A year and a businessman in females
Private investment and females
Normal particularly within enterprises females
Normal outside special facilities females
Joint females
Cooperative females
Hmaaat civil females
Other sector type females
Type sector is enrolled females
Agriculture, forestry and fishing males
Mining and quarrying males
Manufacturing industries males
Electricity, gas, steam and adapt supply males
Water supply and sanitation, Hbakan waste treatment males
Construction males
Wholesale and retail trade and repair of vehicles and motorcycles males
Transport and storage males
Food services and accommodation males
Information and communication males
Financial intermediation and insurance males
Real estate and leasing males
Activities of scientific and technical specialist males
Activities and administrative support services males
General Administration of Civil and defense and social security compulsory males
Males Education
Health and Social Activities males work
Activities Arts and creativity and entertainment males
Activities of other services males
Service personnel services household males
Organizations and bodies, international and regional embassies males
Activities incomplete characterization males
Economic activity is shown males
Economic activity is enrolled males
Agriculture, forestry and fishing females
Mining and quarrying females
Manufacturing industries females
Electricity, gas, steam and adapt females supplies
Water supply and sanitation, Hbakan waste treatment females
Construction females
Wholesale and retail trade and repair of vehicles and motorcycles females
Transport and storage females
Food services and accommodation females
Information and communication females
Financial intermediation and insurance females
Real estate and leasing females
Activities of scientific and technical specialist females
Activities and administrative support services females
General Administration of Civil and defense and social security compulsory females
Female education
Health and Social Work Activities females
Activities Arts and creativity and entertainment females
Activities of other services females
Service personnel services household females
Organizations and bodies, international and regional embassies females
Activities incomplete characterization females
Economic activity is shown females
Economic activity is enrolled females
The number of cars
The total population in 2010
Male population in 2010
Female population in 2010
Section Center
Ceachh village
Electricity u p the number of households
Electricity u p the number of members
Kerosene number of households
Kerosene number of members
Cooker number of families
Cooker number of members
Number of other families
Number of other members
Spigot housing
Spigot building
Spigot outside the building
Water wells source
Other water source
Exchange public network families
Exchange members of the public network
Civil drainage families
Civil personnel exchange network
Trnc families Exchange
Trnc members Exchange
Exchange Offline families
Exchange Offline members
One source of energy Buszaz
One source of energy natural gas
One source of energy kerosene
One source of energy Electricity
One source of energy other
Among one source
Exporters of energy Buszaz
Exporters Energy natural gas
Exporters of energy kerosene
Exporters Energy Electricity
Other sources of energy
Three sources of energy Stove
Three sources of energy, natural gas
Three sources of energy kerosene
Three sources of energy Electricity
Three other sources of energy

Other data of interest includes:

Consumer Spending is available for 20 different product categories. Product categories include Furniture and furnishings, Household textiles, Household Appliances, Glassware and utensils, and Tools and equipment for home and garden.

Consumer Styles describe 10 different target groups useful for market segmentation, such as demographics, attitudes, and consumer behavior consumption. The target groups include Comfortably off empty nesters, Well informed modern consumers, Security-oriented seniors, Modern younger families and Modern and pragmatic over-50s.

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