India Demographic Maps

LeadDog provides India demographic maps for your GIS analysis. Socio-economic mapping is available to the district, subdistrict and ward boundary levels.

India demographic variables include:

Unique identification number
Name or number of ward
Census Code 2011
Total number of household

Total population
Male population
Female population
Total pop below 6 years
Male pop below 6 years
Female pop below 6 years
Total scheduled caste
Male scheduled caste
Female scheduled caste
Total scheduled tribe
Male scheduled tribe
Female scheduled tribe

Total literates
Male literates
Female literates
Total Illiterates
Male Illiterates
Female Illiterates

Total Workers
Male Total Workers
Female Total Workers
Total Main Workers
Male Main Workers
Female Main Workers
Total Cultivators
Male Cultivators
Female Cultivators
Total Agricultural Labourers
Male Agricultural Labourers
Female Agricultural Labourers
Total Household industry workers
Male Household industry workers
Female Household industry workers
Total other workers
Male other workers
Female other workers
Total  Marginal workers other workers
Male  Marginal workers other workers
Female  Marginal workers other workers
Total  Marginal workers as cultivators
Male  Marginal workers as cultivators
Female  Marginal workers as cultivators
Total  Marginal workers as agricultural labourers
Male  Marginal workers as agricultural labourers
Female  Marginal workers as agricultural labourers
Total  Marginal workers household industry workers
Male  Marginal workers household industry workers
Female  Marginal workers household industry workers
Total Marginal workers as other workers
Male Marginal workers as other workers
Female Marginal workers as other workers
Total  Non-workers
Male  Non-workers
Female  Non-workers

Household Income variables to the Ward level are available for select cities, variables include:

Number of Households
Households with annual income < Rs. 75,000/-
Households with annual income between Rs. 75,000/- and Rs. 150,000/-
Households with annual income between Rs. 150,000/- and Rs. 300,000/-
Households with annual income between Rs. 300,000/- and Rs. 500,000/-
Households with annual income between Rs. 500,000/- and Rs. 10,00,000/-
Households with annual income > Rs. 10,00,000/-
All households

Annual Total Household Income
Total Households annual disposable income < Rs. 75,000/-
Total Households annual disposable income < Rs. 75,000/- and Rs. 150,000/-
Total Households annual disposable income < Rs. 150,000/- and Rs. 300,000/-
Total Households annual disposable income < Rs. 300,000/- and Rs. 500,000/-
Total Households annual disposable income < Rs. 500,000/- and Rs. 10,00,000/-
Total Households annual disposable income > Rs. 10,00,000/-
All Households disposable income

Annual Total Household Savings
Total Households annual savings < Rs. 75,000/-
Total Households annual savings < Rs. 75,000/- and Rs. 150,000/-
Total Households annual savings < Rs. 150,000/- and Rs. 300,000/-
Total Households annual savings < Rs. 300,000/- and Rs. 500,000/-
Total Households annual savings < Rs. 500,000/- and Rs. 10,00,000/-
Total Households annual savings > Rs. 10,00,000/-
All Households savings

Estimated Population in annual income group < Rs. 75,000/-
Estimated Population in annual income group Rs. 75,000/- to Rs. 150,000/-
Estimated Population in annual income group Rs. 150,000/- to Rs. 300,000/-
Estimated Population in annual income group Rs. 300,000/- to Rs. 500,000/-
Estimated Population in annual income group Rs. 500,000/- to Rs. 10,00,000/-
Estimated Population in annual income group > Rs. 10,00,000/-
Estimated Total Population in all income categories

Other data of interest includes:

Consumer Spending is available for 20 different product categories. Product categories include recreational and cultural services, newspapers, books and stationary, catering services, personal care, and jewelry and watches.

Consumer Styles describe 10 different target groups useful for market segmentation, such as demographics, attitudes, and consumer behavior consumption. The target groups include comfortably off empty nesters, well informed modern consumers, security-oriented seniors, modern younger families and modern and pragmatic over-50s.

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