Sri Lanka Demographic Maps

LeadDog provides Sri Lanka demographic maps for your GIS map software and analysis. Through international suppliers, and local map data partners LeadDog licenses the most current and accurate census map boundaries and demographic variables available.  Administrative and postal boundaries may also be linked to demographic variables.

Sri Lanka demographics are available to the provinces, districts and divisional secretariats levels of administration. Demographic variables include population, purchasing power, and gender. Other demographic options include:

Household population by sex and by sector, province and district
Household population of head of the household by sex, sector, province and district
Percentage distribution of population by selected age groups, sector, province and district
Percentage distribution of head of the household by age group, sector, province and district
Percentage distribution of population (aged 5 years and above) by level of education, sector, province and district
Percentage distribution of head of the household by level of education, sector, province and district
Percentage distribution of population by marital status, sector, province and district
Percentage distribution of head of the household by marital status, sector, province and district
Percentage distribution of female heads of household by age group, sector, province and district
Percentage distribution of female heads of household by marital status, sector province and district
Percentage distribution of female heads of household by level of education, sector, province and district
Percentage distribution of population (aged 5 – 20 years) by school attendance, sector, province and district
Percentage distribution of population (aged 5 – 14 years) by school attendance, sector, province and district
Percentage distribution of population (age 5-20 years) who are currently attending school by distance to school from house, sector, province and district
Percentage distribution of population (aged 5-20 years) who are currently attending school by main mode of travel, sector, province and district
Percentage distribution of population (aged 5-20 years) who are currently attending school by time taken to school from house, sector, province and district
Percentage distribution of household population by health status, sector, province and district
Percentage distribution of household population who obtained treatment as an outpatient from government hospital by reason for visiting, sector, province and district
Percentage distribution of household population who obtained treatment as an outpatient from private hospital by reason for visiting, sector, province and district
Percentage distribution of household population who had treatment during last 12 months from government hospital as an inpatient by reason for hospitalizing , sector, province and district
Percentage distribution of household population who had treatment during last 12 months from private hospital as an inpatient by reason for hospitalizing , sector, province and district
Percentage distribution of head of the household suffering from chronic illness or disability by sex, sector, province and district
Percentage distribution of households, which have telephone facilities by type of telephone facility, sector, province and district
Percentage distribution of households, which owned radio, television, personal computers, V.C.D. and D.V.D. players by sector, province and district
Percentage distribution of households, which owned selected domestic electrical items by sector, province and district
Percentage distribution of households, which owned a vehicle or a bicycle for transport by sector, province and district
Percentage distribution of housing units by type of housing unit , sector, province and district
Percentage distribution of housing units by number of bed rooms in a housing unit, sector province and district
Percentage distribution of housing units by total floor area, sector, province and district
Percentage distribution of housing units by principal materials of construction, sector, province and district
Percentage distribution of households by main source of drinking water (safe or unsafe) , sector, province and district
Percentage distribution of households by distance to travel to get drinking water, sector, province and district
Percentage distribution of households by availability of sufficient water for drinking, bathing and washing , sector, province and district
Percentage distribution of households by availability of toilet facility , sector, province and district
Percentage distribution of households by type of disposal of garbage, sector, province and district
Percentage distribution of households by principle type of lighting, sector, province and district
Percentage distribution of households by principle type of cooking fuel, sector, province and district
Percentage distribution of households, which use firewood as cooking fuel by whether they collect firewood , sector, province and district
Percentage distribution of households by tenure, sector, province and district

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