Fiji Satellite Maps

Looking for Google Earth, Google Maps or ArcGIS satellite maps? LeadDog provides all ranges of satellite and aerial maps for Fiji.

Fiji satellite maps for GIS mapping is available at resolutions ranging from 30 cm, 50 cm, 1.5 meter, 2.5 meter and 5 meter resolution. Our satellite map data is corrected for radiometric distortion and is ortho-rectified and color balanced.

Order only the coverage that meets your needs – we can select specific regions to fit your project scope and license imagery by the square kilometer. You can also use satellite images in conjunction with other products we offer such as HERE Maps and LeadDog vector data.

All imagery raster formats are available (for example, Geotiff, MrSID (.sid), ECW (.ecw), Tagged Image File Format (.tif, .tiff)) for our satellite maps so contact us today for more information.