LeadDog offers worldwide demographic map data. Through international suppliers, and local data partners, LeadDog provides the most current census and administrative boundary data available. Demographic data variables are linked to census, postal and/or administrative boundaries depending on the availability per country.
With our local data partnerships and international suppliers, LeadDog offers census boundary data content for most countries worldwide. This demographic data can be used in applications such as geocoding, geo-marketing, real estate selection, and sociodemographic research.
- Age
- Gender
- Education
- Race and Ethnicity
- Religion
- Marital Status
- Family size
- Income
- Social Class
- Unemployment rate
- Population growth rate
Demographics are often used in conjunction with LeadDog’s vector GIS products City Streets and Major Roads & Highways to provide additional reference.
Let us know what demographic data your business needs and we will find the best source and price for your application.