Indonesia GIS Maps & Data

LeadDog provides, through its local map data partner a detailed set of GIS street, road, vector shoreline data, POI and demographic maps for Indonesia. Our local partner GIS maps are in use by government, fleet logistics, GPS tracking, site selection and online mapping

LeadDog Indonesia street maps cover all major urban areas, cities, including the capital of Jakarta, and all islands. Please contact us for a detailed city / island list.

Indonesia GIS street and maps are available in a variety of scales from 1:2,500, 1:5,000, 1:25,000 and 1:50,000.

At the 1:25,000 to 1:50,000 scale, the following layers are available:
Major Roads
Protected Areas
Political Boundaries down to the Village level
Contour lines down to 12.5 meters
Spot Elevations

At 1:250,000 scale the following layers are available:
Main Road lines
Administrative boundaries down to Villages (Kelurahan/Desa) level
Contour lines (with about 100 meters interval)
City points

Detailed Points of Interest (POI) are collected via GPS field collection. Dozens of cities are available.  POI attributes include: Name, address, website address, and category.

Demographics are available to the Kotamadya/Kabupaten (district), Kecamatan (subdistrict) and Desa/Kelurahan (village) administrative boundary levels. Indonesia demographic variables include disposable income, population, and gender ratios.

Commercial high resolution satellite maps from multiple sources available for license.