LeadDog licenses HERE Map Content GIS maps for the Czech Republic. If your company relies on spatially accurate GIS data, HERE maps provide verified map data such as address ranges, routing attributes and 2D & 3D buildings.
LeadDog offers HERE maps to your precise map usage. We understand that geospatial license budgets are tight, contact us to ensure you get the right maps for the right price.
HERE Czech Republic maps are licensed by country and/or by region. The regions are:
Jihočeský Kraj (Budějovický Kraj)
Jihomoravský Kraj (Brněnský Kraj)
Karlovarský Kraj
Královéhradecký Kraj
Liberecký Kraj
Moravskoslezský Kraj (Ostravský Kraj)
Olomoucký Kraj
Pardubický Kraj
Plzeňský Kraj
Praha (Hlavni Město Praha)
Středočeský Kraj
Ústeský Kraj
Vysočina (Jihlavský Kraj)
Zlínský Kraj
Points of Interest total over 90,000 locations and include 71 categories such as airports, banks, parks, police stations, and schools.
Postcode Mapping 5-digit postcode polygon mapping available.
Demographics are available to the postal code and Obce, basic settlement units and statistical districts administrative boundary levels. Demographics include population by age bands, disposable household income, retail spending and turnover and consumer spending.
Commercial high resolution satellite maps from multiple sources available for license.