LeadDog provides, through its local map partner the most detailed and comprehensive set of GIS street, road, POI and demographic maps for India. All map information is GPS field collected and verified. Our maps include over 2.75 million GPS field collected Points of Interest. LeadDog India maps are the industry leader and are in use by government agencies, asset-tracking, site selection and all major online mapping portals.
India demographics are available to the district, subdistrict and ward levels. Household income is available for select cities.
LeadDog India vector street maps cover 800 cities in India, including all of the major cities such as Agra, Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Chandigarh, Chennai, Delhi, Hyderabad, Jaipur, Kolkota, Mumbai, Pune and Thiruvananthapuram.
City maps include streets, street names, street classifications, extensive points of interests, parks, water and railroads. All maps are updated semi-annually.
India Major Roads & Highways – Seamlessly integrated with the City Streets product, our nationwide Major Roads map set includes all major highways and roads, city/town/place points, railroads, airports, water (significant lakes & rivers), detailed urban area polygons, national parks and administrative boundaries (country/province/municipal).Scale: 1:200,000.
Other spatial products: Community Development Block boundaries, Panchayat (Gram Sabha) Boundary, India market villages, National Sample Survey Boundary, Watershed Boundary, Irrigation & Hydrology, Pincode Boundary, Telecom Circle Boundaries with Short & Long Distance Calling Area and population.
Health maps including District Hospital Directory with 640 district hospitals with address, phone and # of beds & Community Health Centre (CHC) with Community health centre with number of beds available.
Agriculture maps including Area, Production & Yield for District and State major crops, Isohyet, Livestock, agrictulture area under various landuses. Soil Order, Suborder and Group with 20 variables on its physical properties. Nitrogen, Potash and Phosphate at district level for India for various periods.
Physiography maps including Older Alluvium, Sandstone Shale Grit & Limestone. Landuse & land cover with Forest, Water Bodies, Grass & Scrubland, Arable Land Unirrigated, Arable Land Irrigated & Urban Settlements. Relief, Contour & Slope with Height above mean sea level and contour at various interval (5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 metres).
Political boundaries including parliamentary boundary with past 5-6 election data for all states and assembly boundary with past 5-6 election data for all states.
Commercial high resolution satellite maps from multiple sources available for license.